
Pink Chalcedony Pendant

Original price was: $25.95.Current price is: $15.95.

Unique handcrafted Pink Chalcedony Pendant. Pink Chalcedony balances the energies of mind, body and spirit, and nurtures benevolence and generosity. Pink Chalcedony is a beneficial stone for optimism, joy and receptivity. Pink Chalcedony contains a gentle nurturing energy which promotes self love. 

This pendant is made with an authentic, natural crystal or stone that is hand selected.This pendant was made carefully to attune the Universal Life Force with the harmony of the setting and the metaphysical properties of the stones.  The result is a pendant of high energy and focus.  You will find these to be energizing and refreshing to wear or use. This pendant contains a variety of uses from being used as a necklace to being hung in your vehicle as a good luck charm. This specific pendant was created just for you. It is wrapped with silver colored wire and it comes with an 18-inch silver chain.

Size: 1 1/4- 1 1/2 inches in length.

2 in stock


Primary Information

Chalcedony is a supportive stone that advances fraternity and generosity and will improve a family’s togetherness. It may be utilized for clairvoyance and transmission. This stone draws in negative energies and afterward disseminates in order to prevent the energy from spreading.

Chalcedony brings the brain, body and soul into arrangement. It sends sentiments of liberality and consideration to you. Chalcedony evacuates undesirable sentiments of antagonistic vibrations and expels trouble. This stone expels self uncertainty and constructs self-assurance. Utilizing this stone to ponder will assist you with turning into an increasingly open and excited individual.

Emotional Healing

Pink chalcedony is utilized by new moms to expand their milk resources and to shield the child from hurt in the beginning of life. Pink chalcedony is a Goddess stone. Pink chalcedony signals the mysterious fears that are unwarranted in your thoughts and gives you the confidence to discuss them to a confided in companion. They will at that point lose their control over your life.

Pink chalcedony calms emotional breakdowns and injury. It is a brilliant stone for helping first time moms when they are conceiving an offspring. It is useful for postnatal issues, particularly after a drawn out birth or one including clinical intercession. Pink chalcedony will make it simpler to adapt to troublesome kids or relations. Use is on the off chance that you work for a huge or indifferent association. It will assist you with settling in more effectively and make a sacred space for yourself. It can alleviate the pressure of individuals who feel disliked during a period of separation. It will help individuals who have clashing loyalties or is reluctant to cherish once more.

Physical Healing

Chalcedony is an incredible healer and purifier. This stone aides on the off chance that you have an absence of maternal impulse, diminishes the impact of dementia and feebleness. Chalcedony adjusts the brain, body, feelings and soul into an entirety. It mends the eyes, gallbladder, bones, spleen, blood and circulatory framework.

Additional information

Weight 0.1 lbs
Dimensions 1.5 × 1 × 0.5 in

