Pink Calcite Rough(2-3″)


Pink Calcite emanates calming and loving energy. It instills a sense of peace and well-being, as well as eases tensions and anxiety. Pink Calcite can be a powerful ally, especially during times of sorrow or other emotional distress. It promotes restful sleep and is claimed to keep nightmares at bay. Pink Calcite stimulates and activates the Heart Chakra. It aids those who have difficulty articulating their feelings. Pink Calcite encourages forgiving yourself as well as others who may have wronged you. It enables you to accept the past while anticipating fresh, new experiences. You will receive the typical item shown. These are reactive under UV light.

Size: Size is approximately 2-3 inches in length on its longest side. Sold individually. 

7 in stock

SKU: 920213 Categories: , Tags: ,


Primary Information

Calcite is a common crystal that may be found in many regions. Despite this, it is a complicated crystal. It’s a carbonate mineral that comes in a variety of colors. Calcite comes in many different colors, including clear, white, brown, red, orange, blue, green, and yellow (among other different colors). Calcite denotes both spiritual and physical power. The ancient Greek word Chalix, as well as the Latin word Calx, are both used to describe orange calcite. These are related to the word ‘lime.’ Rather than referring to color, the reference to lime refers to its crystallized limestone composition. Calcite is a mineral that is made up of calcium carbonate. Calcite can be found in stalactites and stalagmites’ intricate structures.


The spiritual characteristics of Pink Calcite aid in the development of deep, everlasting compassion for both yourself and others. This stone connects to Quan Yin’s loving energy and assists us in cultivating unconditional love for all. If you have a tense relationship with someone, such as a family member or coworker, this crystal can help you see things from their perspective and improve understanding. Pink Calcite encourages the heart to flourish and inspires profound love and compassion for people you’ve never met. This is an excellent stone for inspiring acts of selflessness, generosity, and service.

Pink Calcite also aids in the development of genuine, profound compassion for oneself. It assists you in overcoming self-doubt and self-blame. Pink Calcite will help you dissolve and release those feelings that drive you to “beat yourself up,” such as being your own harshest critic, never doing anything “perfect,” or not meeting your own expectations. This stone encourages you to treat yourself with kindness and to become your own best friend.

Best Used For

  • Cleansing your physical body & your environment of negative energy.
  • Enhances vitality, happiness, & joy.
  • Increases spiritual development and awareness.
  • Helps you to discover and embrace your soul purpose.
  • Facilitates intuitive visions, psychic powers, and aids in channeling.
  • Enhances creativity.
  • Increases motivation, energy levels, and dissipates laziness.
  • Improves concentration and focus while simultaneously stimulating memory.
  • Promotes resiliency.
  • Banishes the energetic roots of depression.

Additional information

Weight 0.1 lbs
Dimensions 3 × 2 × 1 in

